Saturday, August 27, 2016


I am in the yard, possibly in the house where I grew up. There is now a brick retaining wall in the yard, about two feet high. This is on the left. In the middle of the retaining wall, a large tree is growing. the base of the tree and its roots are growing out around the retaining wall... There is a grave site which is slightly below ground. An old iron gate guards the entry, and L-shaped steps lead down. some flowers are blooming and it is maintained but not excessively so. a once-beautiful woman is buried there. She wore blue and had long brown hair. Although she has been dead quite a long time, there is a society of men, very few, who look after her grave. There are generations of them, they are her admirers.

Saturday, May 8, 2010


I host a party that turns into an all-night sleepover. J. Miller, an old friend, is there. I get to sleep for a little while.
I am on a giant plane (maybe with the same people?) on the way back from somewhere. There is food, but nothing healthy. Many people are sleeping. We are stopping in Borneo. Of the sleeping people, there is one missing: it is a small woman (her name is Mary?). I walk back and forth in the aisles of the plane. Towards the front, I look out the window as it lands in Borneo. I see giant snowy mountains not too far away. Someone says those are the Himalaya. It is captivating to watch them as we taxi.
We get off the plane and are in a desert with a broad river in it. The river is dirty, and many destitute people sit around. I go in an SUV with Greg J., an old friend, and a woman I don't know and we park at the edge of the river, as far into it as we are able to drive. The front wheels are partially submerged in the river. It is very dry, and we are almost out of water. The woman doesn't want to, but Greg and I decide that a new fridge is the best idea. I go to get it, on foot, which requires climbing up the steep river bank. The sides of the bank have plasticized footholds built in. It is very dry on top, and far to walk where the fridges are. Greg and the woman go off somewhere else, to get water for all of us. There is another group of travellers around on top, too.
I meet Greg and the woman again, and they tell me that a frdige is no longer a prudent idea. without admitting it, I realize that there would have been no way to drag a fridge back across the sand by myself. However, I am upset by their decision to send me on what has become a pointless mission. I want to tell Greg that I think he is a liar for changing his mind on what we had decided.
Now, I need the water they have collected, but he put it in somekind of corroded container that looked bad to drink from. All I could do was transfer it to the only thing available- a mini safe-deposit box my grandfather gave me. I had to drink through the keyhole. The woman senses my frustration, and she informs me that I have the wrong attitude. I am still grumpy. On the way back to the car, we see a poor boy with dark skin. The river, which was indeed tidal, has receeded, and now the SUV tires are on completely dry ground.

Monday, September 28, 2009


I try to volunteer at my former place of employment, but I find it's useless because the intentions are no longer relevant. George, who is from germany, asks a rhetorical question "what am I doing in this country?"
I am by a river in the Andes region. Two indigenous looking (but unfamiliar) boys about nine years old, with dark skin ask me "Que haces?" I reply - "Estoy nadando" I then am diving for stones that the boys throw in the water.

Friday, September 4, 2009


I am back at my former employer in the office. We are sitting around discussing plans. Some are asking what my plan is. I say "way thru". I am going to southeast asia for a bit. Someone then says, oh, you would have to wear egyptian style dress and shoes.

Thursday, September 3, 2009


I am at a grand dinner hall and dressed up. I know a lot of people, but they do not seem friendly. There is a presentation of media. ...The...several..suggestions...dull...provenant.
There are some people who just take cards and toss them aside. This is part of the presentation, a matchmaking. There are no women left, but I have my girlfriend.
on..the..way....color...walls are very thin. They change color in rapid succession. It is a planetarium! (not an observatory). A dog is at the fringes, and it is not friendly. I have been here before. Helmets. There is to be a change in the building to brighten it up. It is in Seattle, and the thin walls let in the sound of rain. Change to the form of dramatic architectural lighting on the inside.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


I am somewhere in my home state with my girlfriend of one year. I find on a map a group of mountains in Quebec, near Quebec City and one of the great lakes. They reach 3800 meters and there is a city below them. She says they are private. The information about them says that it can remain at a temperature of -140 oC in the summer there.

Sunday, January 25, 2009


I am on a family vacation on the West coast. We (my family and I) are on an 1-mile long island only accessable by boat. I go on a hike alone where there are supposed to be bears. There is a tree with a 20' high stump platform next to it. The main tree is at least 15 ties this height. There is a view from the platform, and to climb down, I must swing from thin aspen trees. There is a woman at the bottom who says her dad made the platform by cutting it. This seems wrong, but the tree is ok.
There is a hike to the beach. Many people are there. It is warm, and I stand a while staring at the surf. Something is swimming to the beach. The head appears, then as it gets out, I see it's a big Brown bear. There are two more that follow, and the last one is especially big. They are very majestic. As soon as they are a ways inland from the beach, everyone starts running after them. I walk behind them. There are more bears on the trail out. I have a small gun in a coat pocket, and a bullet in another- but there is no threat great enough to warrant their use. What are they for?
I am sitting around, being lazy, while my sister is working harder. It turns out she has been using my bank account. We do not speak.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


I am standing by a huge down tree and trying to start a fire on the end of it. Someone goes to get something, and it is almost catching. I keep fanning it. It is now bright orange.
I am going a second time for a hike in a canyon. The rive is filled with snow, which is melting quickly. I am going up canyon. I come to a pond, where walking is no longer possible. I get onto a block of snow, and ride it down the stream to a landing. I get off onto the shore, and the block of snow melts. Two climbers are coming down carrying women who appear to be sleeping (dead?) I ask if they need help, but they do not answer. I decide to go only a short ways, because it looks like rain will start soon. An old man is there, who I think is 62 years old, but he's really 66. He is applying to be a guard in Naumberg, germany. We come upon a lodge. The lodge has a gift shop and a restaurant. We ascend seven levels of stairs in the lodge to look from an observation deck.

Saturday, November 22, 2008


Im on a field trip with high school. We go to a research area where animals are sutdied for what they can reveal to humans. It is a swampy area, and a pineapple (green) floats in the swamp. We go back to the high school and get there in the middle of classes. I try to find a class, but go too far down the stairs and get off at the wrong floor.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


I decide to go to Peru. I arrive in a bustling port city and a strong feeling of being lost and helpless comes over. There is an island, out in the harbor with steep cliffs.

Friday, November 14, 2008


I am at a wedding of a friend. with family. It involved flying. It is in mid afternoon, and I need a "warm" colored shirt to wear. I decide to wear a red one. I go to the ___ Peaks to take photos. Just south of Mount ___, on the West side, there are wild tomatoes.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


I am on a trip, looking for a spot to go backcountry skiing. We have to walk over a deck, where a cow os lying down. It gets up as we pass and it becomes a man who is hobbling around. He asks me to pull his knee, which is injured, in order that he may go sailing again soon. We end up making dinner there, and we hear there is little snow where we had wanted to go. One area is dangerous, with someone and a gun.
A conflict, something about work. We are vindicated